smart Construction laboratory Ltd.



Meet Our Team


Professor Heng Li 李恆教授

Chair Professor of Construction Informatics
Associate Directors of Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence of Things
Founder and Director of the Smart Construction Laboratory
Top 50
ranked scientists in HK (Building& Construction)
Top 2%
Scientists Worldwide 2023
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李恆教授是香港理工大學建築及房地產學係講座教授,同时擔任AIB澳洲建造學會、 AIQS澳洲工料測量師學會、HKIE香港工程師學會及HKAAST香港科技協進會等會員。李教授擁有超過20年科研經驗,出版了兩本專著,在其領域的主要期刊上發表了超过 500 篇論文,並在許多會議論文集中發表了論文。他的研究興趣引領他探索數位建築、智慧建築、人體工程學和機器人技術。李教授同时領導研發了計算機讀圖系統、建築策劃管理系統、智慧安全系統等多種產品,曾榮獲中國國際發明展覽會銅獎(排名第一);近年來專注於基於雲計算技術、人工智能物聯網應用領域的研究,在香港和大陸多個工程得到成功的應用。

Professor Li Heng holds the prestigious position of Chair Professor within the Department of Building and Real Estate at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He is the esteemed founder and director of the Smart Construction Laboratory. His affiliation extends to several esteemed professional organizations, including the Australian Institute of Building (AIB), the Australian Institute of Quantity Surveyors (AIQS), the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE), and the Hong Kong Association for the Advancement of Science and Technology (HKAAST). Professor Li has conducted many funded research projects related to the innovative application and transfer of construction information technologies, and he has published 2 books, more than 500 journal papers in major journals of his field and numerous conferences papers in proceedings. His research interests have led him through an intellectual journal of exploring digital construction, smart construction, ergonomics and robotics.

With an extensive research career spanning more than two decades, Professor Li Heng has steered the development of a diverse range of products, encompassing computer-aided drawing systems, construction planning and management systems, and sophisticated intelligent safety systems. His exceptional contributions have earned him numerous accolades, among them the Bronze Award at the China International Invention Expo, where he secured the top position. In recent years, his research efforts have been intently directed towards the realms of cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and applications in the Internet of Things (IoT). Notably, his groundbreaking work has found successful implementation in various engineering projects across Hong Kong and mainland China.

Latest research

Previous Work by Prof. Heng LI

Proprietary technologies for BIM, wireless communication & construction management system

HKBIM: Streamlining the Construction of Cost-Effective 3D Models.

Landlink: Wireless, High Speed and Long range Communications.

PCMS: Proactive Construction Management System.

Spotlighton Construction Safety and Intelligence (Related Research Project)

1. A computer vision-enabled digital twin for construction resource and progress management
Duration: 1/6/2016 - 31 /5/2018
Funding (HK$): 7,693,950
2. Enabling Technologies Based onComputer Vision and Machine Learning for Better Quality Management on Construction Sites
Duration: 1/6/2018 - 31 /5/2020
Funding (HK$): 12,000,000
3. Smart Construction Platform Basedon Cloud BIM and Image Processing (BIMGLE)
Duration: 1/6/2016 - 31 /5/2018
Funding (HK$): 7,693,950

Explorationon IT solutions to boost safety performance on site (Related Product)

1. Eye On Project (EOP)

2. Bluetooth Low Energy-based Smart Alarming

3. Proactive Construction Management System (PCMS)

4. AI System for Construction Site Monitoring

Proprietary technologies for BIM and wireless transmission

Streamlining the Construction of Cost-Effective 3D Models.

Landlink: Wireless, High Speed and Long range Communications.

Commercialization projects

1. Tunnel Construction Shield Method

2. Tower Crane Safety Solution

3. 4S System in Control Center

Technical Advisor

Professor Lieyun Ding 丁烈雲

Member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering
Director of the Department of Management at the National Natural Science Foundation of China
Chief Scientist of the National Innovation Centre for Digital Construction Technology
Leading Intelligent Construction Expert
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Ding Lieyun is a Professor at Huazhong University of Science and Technology, an Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and the Chief Scientist of the National Innovation Centre for Digital Construction Technology. He has previously servedas the President of Northeastern University and Huazhong University of Scienceand Technology. Currently, he also holds the position of Director of the Department of Management at the National Natural Science Foundation of China.

Professor Ding has been dedicated to the research of digital construction and engineering safety theory and technology for a considerable period. He has constructed adigital construction technology system, proposed the 'energy-coupling' theory for engineering safety risk, and created a 'knowledge, warning, and control'technology system for engineering safety risk management. These innovationshave seen wide application in metro, petrochemical, and other projects.

Professor Ding's contributions have been recognized with two second prizes for nationalscientific and technological progress, the Fudan Award for OutstandingContribution to Management, and the Chinese Government Book Publishing Awardfor the Digital Construction Series he has edited and compiled.

Risk Management Models: Prof. Lieyun Ding has developed advanced risk management models for subways, tunnels, and large public spaces, focusing on systematic hazard identification and mitigation.

Data-Driven Systems: His work involves using data analysis and simulation to create dynamic, quantifiable risk management systems that predict and respond to potential incidents in complex environments.

To This Project: These experiences will be crucial in guiding the fire risk assessment and safety strategies for Hong Kong's old buildings.

Technical Advisor

Professor Jianmin Meng 孟建民

Member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering
Vice Chairman of the Architectural Society of China (ASC)
Chief Architect of Shenzhen General Institute of Architectural Design Research Co. Ltd
Leading MiC Expert
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Professor Meng is the Distinguished Professor of Shenzhen University, Director of Benyuan Design and Research Center, Shenzhen University, Part-time Professor of Southeast University, Distinguished Professor of Macau University of Scienceand Technology, Chairman of Institute of Healthcare facilities of the Architectural Society of China, the Chief Designer of Shenzhen Bay Super Headquarters Base, Chairman of Shenzhen Experts United Association, etc. He was given the title of the Chinese Architectural Design Master, the Liang Sicheng Architecture Award, the China Design Contribution Gold Award of Guanghua Dragon Award, the One Hundred Nanyue Outstanding Talents Award.
Presided over the design of more than 200 projects and has received more than 80 professional awards of all kinds. Project Leader of the Chinese Key Researchand Development Program, the "New Methods and New Tools of Goal and Effect Oriented Green Building Design" project. Published "Primitive (Benyuan)Design", "Implementation of Innovation Healthcare Design","ZeroGravity" and many other works; summed up the "Primitive (Benyuan) Design" theory. The concept of "All-Round Humanistic Care" and "Three-Way Methodology" he advocates have systematically provided the engineering practices an operable method and path.

Latest research

Previous Work by Prof. Jianmin Meng

Changzhen Public Housing, Shenzhen

2023 Zhan Tianyou Award for Civil Engineering in China - Gold Award for Outstanding Residential Community.

The largest prefabricated public housing project in China to date.

Nanshan Technology Innovation Center

Gold Award atthe Berlin Design Awards 2022.

2023 Guangdong Steel Award for Outstanding Engineering.

Yujing Xingfu Jiayuan Project

Prefabrication rate ≈ 50%. Assembly rate > 70%.

The highest prefabricated building in Shenzhen.

Shenzhen’s first high-rise building witha prefabricated shear wall structure.


Provide guidance for the implementation of prefabricated construction.

Contribute to the active promotion of this technology.

1. Academicianof the Chinese Academy of Engineering
2. Winner of the 7th Liang Sicheng Architecture Prize
3. Chairman and Chief Architect of Shenzhen General Institute of Architectural Design and Research Co., Ltd.
4. Director of the Original Design Research Center.Chief Researcher of the "Shenzhen Prefabricated Talent Housing Structural System Development" Architectural Research Project.